There is a photo floating around the social webs of Peter Rawlinson, the CEO and CTO of Lucid Motors, smiling with two of the factory and production line workers at the Lucid Motors AMP-1 facility. I found this via @NotMsJennyLopez and @2028Lucid on Twitter.
Here is the photo:

The next day, on August 15th, Lucid Motors posted this next photo of Peter Rawlingson with tons of people in the factory, here is that photo:

Peter Rawlingson said on the last earnings call “Now, in fact, I’m joining today’s Q2 earnings conference call directly from our AMP-1 factory right here in Arizona. I’m right here on the front line, and I’ve been spending a vast majority of my time here, right here on the shop floor. As I believe it’s my responsibility as the CEO to be here resolving issues and helping to onboard the new executives.”
He added “Indeed, I feel particular home on and around the production line, where I am personally and directly engaged in helping solve problems. It is right here that I witnessed the passion and the camaraderie of the Lucid employees in the factory first hand and particularly a much-valued associates who are so engaged in this process.”
Please note, that I am not currently sure where the original image came from and when it was taken.