Exactly a month ago, Lucid Motors pushed the Lucid Air Touring variant to show new customers that production would begin in Q4 2022. This was originally showing Q3 but Lucid Motors moved it to Q4. But Lucid also told those who ordered earlier, when their ordered showed Q3 production, that they would still get their cars into production in Q3.
Well, that is no longer the case.
mnewber1, the moderator at the Lucid Owners Forum, noticed just now his order was changed from being available in Q3 2022 to Q4 2022. He posted a screenshot of his order over here showing the date change:

Another early Touring reservation holder said his order was also changed from Q3 to Q4, he wrote “Q4 for me now. Being real, I’m not expecting it until early next year at best… if I were them I’d deliver literally one car in Q3 to say deliveries began.” “22 Q4 for me too … 1H 23 is honestly when I’m expecting it,” another Touring reservation holder posted in the forum.
As I previously covered, Lucid told those who ordered early would still likely get their Touring trims produced in Q3. Here is that email we posted in our earlier coverage from mnewber1:

mnewber1 wrote today “My reservation says Q4 now, so my guess is that despite being told by Lucid and my SA that my car would enter production in Q3, it will likely be Q4 and not delivered until well into next year at this rate.”
This is not surprising being that we believe the recall has set things back several weeks, but we did see that production has increased again this week. There can be a multitude of reasons for this, but I suspect the recall delay is the big one. Maybe there was a large increase in Grand Touring orders and that would also set back production of the Touring orders, that would be a more positive take on this news, at least from a LCID stock perspective. But for Lucid Air Touring reservation holders, this delay is not welcomed.
We have reached out to Lucid Motors for a statement and if we hear back, we will update this story.